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Sage pastel evolution keygen
Sage pastel evolution keygen

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From basic invoicing and bookkeeping for start-ups to business-wide accounting for enterprise-size businesses, you can rely on our trusted sage pastel evolution keygen our range of desktop and cloud-based accounting software to find the perfect solution for your business.

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It�s always up to date with the very latest legislation, meaning your business will be too.Automate calculations, manage employee data and run your HR system from the office or on the move with cloud or desktop based software.View HR and Payroll software Inventory ManagementSage Inventory Advisor lets you reduce your excess inventory, minimise stock-outs and place orders quicker.� KPI's track your service levels and stock holdings and exception lists highlight the worst offenders� Keep your total cost of ownership as low as possible� Drive your inventory planning with a well-defined policy� The software tells you what, when and how to purchase� Automatically forecast all items and adjust at a macro or item level� See the big picture regionally, nationally or internationally in multi-currenciesLearn more about Sage Inventory Advisor Sage Talent SolutionsFind top talent with minimum cost and effort.� Sage SkillsMap is a�cloud-based, end-to-end recruitment solution that will modernise your recruitment processes.� The Sage Recruitment service will�find the extraordinary amongst the ordinary.�We don�t just place people; we offer you a customised, comprehensive recruitment solution to suit both your and the candidate�s needs.Learn more about Sage Talent Solutions Payment SolutionsSimple and secure online payment solutions for your business.� Salary & Supplier Payments allows you to make secure payments to employees and suppliers at any South African bank.

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Learn more.� NAEDO allows you to capture details for recurring and non-recurring NAEDO (non-authenticated early debit orders) transactions online, providing you with the ability to track bank accounts over a period of time by repeatedly presenting the debit order for approval. Learn more.View Payment Solutions Accountants and Bookkeepers Sage One Accountants Edition�was crafted with Bookkeepers and Accountants in mind.� This cloud-based software system allows you to view all of your Sage One clients in one place, making it easy to manage and access.

Learn more about Sage One Accountants EditionJoin the Sage Pastel Accountants Forum or the Sage Pastel BookSage Pastel EvolutionNow Version 7! Click HereSage Pastel Evolution takes accounting to the next level and is the choice application for business that outgrows their entry level applications.Its powerful accounting engine employing both MS SQL and .NET technology allows greater flexibility in the core financials but its real strength sage pastel evolution keygen in its ability to manage operational tasks with workflow management and escalations.

This gives you the ability to control your finances as well as your relationships with your customers, suppliers and employees. In order to cater for vertical solution a purpose built rich SDK module was developed for specialized industries.

Not just accounting software but business software.The advanced add-on modules for Sage Pastel Evolution Enterprise include:� Account Consolidations� Annuity Billing� Bill of Materials� Business Intelligence Centre� Credit Risk Management� Fixed Assets� Sage Inventory Advisor� Lot Tracking� Sage Evolution Mobile App� Multi-Warehousing� Pricing Matrix� Procurement� Retail Point of Sale� Advanced Procurement� Bank Statement Manager� Branch Accounting� Debtors Manager� Delivery Management� Information Alerts� Job Costing� Manufacturing)� Multi-Currency� Muncipal Billing� Point of Sale� Sage Evolution CRM� Serial Number TrackingAccount ConsolidationsIntegrating with Receivables, this module allows for the separate invoicing of branches, but with the added functionality of printing one customer statement at a consolidated head office level.

This is particularly useful when you wish to keep track of a group customer with a head office, or where you need to capture sales made to the individual branches, but then present a consolidated statement to your customer's head office.Annuity BillingSage Evolution Annuity Billing integrates with both Receivables and Inventory and provides for repetitive or recurring invoices on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.

You can specify contract periods, design recurring invoice templates or simply set up base amounts to be charged to your customers periodically. It is a flexible module that allows you to customise it according to your business�s specific requirements.Bill of MaterialsDesigned for the manufacturing and assembly environment, this module allows you to create assembly sheets (or Bills as they are commonly known) detailing each component making up the completed item.

Completed items can be manufactured before they are sold or you can simply invoice the completed item and Sage Evolution will manufacture the item on-the-fly, where-upon the sub-components will be drawn from stock.You can manufacture items in a single operation or, for more complex manufacturing and for processes that occur over a significant time period, you can work on an open manufacturing process over time.Sage Pastel Business Intelligence CentreWe have combined South Africa�s leading accounting software with Microsoft� Excel and have produced a reporting tool that revolutionises the way you make decisions in your business!Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre is an add-on module that dynamically links to your Sage accounting data, taking your business beyond standard reporting functionality.

You can generate spreadsheets by simply extracting Sage Accounting data and converting it into an easy-to-read, graphic format. Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre retains report formats and makes them available for future use. You also have instant access to �live� information and that last minute journal no longer impacts your Excel reporting. Monthly financials account for a large percentage of manual Excel labour.Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre offers a customisable pack which provides drill-down functionality.

You can customise the standard set of reports and templates, and create new ones. It gives you flexibility with the combinations of financial data you choose to report on.Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre ships with Management Packs (Balance Sheet, Income Statement), Sales Master (Sales Reports), Inventory, Purchasing options, and more.Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre Excel GenieThe user friendly Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre Excel Genie gives you the power to transform data using an intuitive drag and drop interface to construct reports.Reasons why you need the Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre Excel Genie� It is an extension of the Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre� You can generate financial statements from predefined lists� Edit existing and/or create new financial layouts using drag and drop functionality� Caters for consolidations, segmented General Ledgers and column reporting using drag and drop functionality� Refresh newly added accounts into your existing layouts at the click of a button� Supports the use of native ExcelOLAP Cubes:OLAP Cubes is an extension to the Sage Pastel Business Intelligence Centre.

The new OLAP module (Online Analytical Processing) caters for multi-dim

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