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This will now be your default target page;unless you change your configuration again, or you delete yourcookies. Are you sure you want to change your settings? CLOSE X We have a favor to askPlease disable your ad blocker (or update your settings to ensure that javascript and cookies are enabled), so that we can continue to provide you with the first-rate market news and data you've come to expect from us. If you've ever tried searching for free stock photos on the Internet, you probably know what a ridiculous hassle it can be.As a general rule, free stock photos are extremely difficult to find.

A huge portion of the stock photo market is owned by professional companies like Shutterstock and 123RF, who charge $20 or more for a single photo. Even when you can find free stock photos, most are low resolution, watermarked, blurry and, at best, uninspired.Lucky for you, there are a few ways to access high-quality stock photos without any hassle or significant cost.Here's a lovingly curated list of the world's best free stock photo websites for designers, business owners and anyone else:Related: Want Clickable Images?

Check Out These 6 Tips.1. UnsplashUnsplash adds�10 new royalty-free photos every 10�days and they're almost always of breathtakingly attractive beautiful landscapes. Just scroll down the home page to see foggy rivers, faraway mountain ranges or even battered signs in all their high-resolution glory.Searchable?

NoAttribution required? Yes2. SuperfamousDutch artist Folkert Gorter and his graphic-design peers at SuperFamous curate this collection of incredibly high-resolution images, perfect for use in website design or as desktop backgrounds.Searchable?

NoAttribution required? Yes3. PicjumboPicjumbo is a�personal favorite of mine due to its easy navigation and extremely high-resolution photos (with no attribution required). This site also happens to sport a great collection of food shots, so if you're running a restaurant or nutrition-themed startup, you might find it worth your while to�take a browse.Searchable? YesAttribution required? No, for almost all images4. PixabayPixabay is a web designer's dream. Not only does this site offer an easy-to-use search feature, the images are absolutely brilliant.

And most don't require any attribution at all.Searchable? YesAttribution required? No, for almost all images5. IM FreePhoto by John HopeIM Creator, which also�offers an online website building tool, put together this small library of premium-quality free photos. Attribution is required but it's well worth it: These pictures are of the same, if not better, quality as those of paid sites.Searchable? YesAttribution required? Yes6. GratisographyGratisography's collection is, in a word, incredible.

Built by the talented Ryan McGuire,�an artist and web designer, this site�features some of the most evocative images on the web and they requires no attribution whatsoever.Searchable? NoAttribution required? No7. MorgueFileOne of the simplest sites on this list, MorgueFile�has a streamlined layout and carefully curated list of photos.

Its selection isn't as large as that of some of the other sites on this list, but the photos included cover a�wide range of topics. You can find images of everything from wildlife�to antiques.Searchable? NoAttribution required? NoRelated: Getty's New Mobile App is a Free Portal Into Millions of Shareable Photos8. FreeImagesOne of the most exhaustive directories of open-source images, FreeImages is my go-to resource when I'm�working on new web projects. While most stock-photo sites focus on a small niche (usually landscape photography), FreeImages offers thousands of pictures from a diverse set of categories.

Most important, it's searchable, which is an incredible time-saver when you're working on a project.Searchable? NoAttribution required? Sometimes9. Little VisualsLittleVisuals is a unique site, run according to�more of small-scale, handpicked approach than most stock-photo sites. Sign up for its email list and you'll receive seven high-resolution pictures via a zip file every week.Searchable?

NoAttribution required? No10. New Old StockNew Old Stock is a collection of antique photos, many�taken by government agencies or�discovered in estate sales. You can scroll for hours without growing bored.Searchable? NoAttribution required? No11. PicographyThe simplest site on this list, Picography is a scroll-through gallery of random shots offered by a handful of professional photographers. You can't search it but this site is perfect for designers looking for evocative photos.Searchable?

NoAttribution required? No12. GetrefeIf you need architectural or landscape photos fast, GetRefe is ideal. There are no frills, no categories on this site, just beautiful, natural images taken by a series�of photographers traveling throughout Europe.Searchable?

NoAttribution required? No13. Jay MantriOne of Southern California's�finest designers, Jay Mantri offers this eponymous collection, Jay Mantri, with�free, inspiring photos that's�updated every Thursday.Searchable?

NoAttribution required? No14. Public Domain ArchiveEclectic vintage pictures join ubermodern scenes at Public Domain Archive, an expansive online collection of images, many with�striking symmetry and muted colors.Searchable? NoAttribution required? NoAttribution and licenses explained.When you do a Google Images search, the�resulting photos�iAdvanced search tips�Exclude a word by adding a dash before it (E.g.

technology -apple)�Search for colors: E.g. color: blueRelated searches:technology meetingBrowse through the best business images and find business themed photos. You will see mostly photos of offices but also people in suits and on trains as well as desks with computers and MacBooks. � Christmas images� Car images,wallpapers� Pictures of people� Business images� Technology images� Landscape pictures� Winter pictures� Sunset pictures� Desktop wallpaper,backgrounds� Public domain images Welcome!� Premium Advice� My Services� None� Other Services� Fool One� Hidden Gems� Income Investor� Inside Value� Million Dollar Portfolio� Motley Fool Options� Motley Fool Pro� Rule Breakers� Rule Your Retirement� Stock Advisor� SupernovaHelp Join Now or Login � Home� All Fool Headlines� Fool Military� About The Motley Fool� My Fool� My Profile� My Articles� My Watchlist� My Scorecard� My Boards� My CAPS� My Reports� My Settings� How To Invest� 13 Steps� Find a Broker� Investing Wiki� Personal Finance� Investing Commentary� Basics� ETFs� Options� Small-Cap� Dividends & Income� High Growth� Value� Mutual Funds� Stocks Sectors� CAPS Community� CAPS Free company stock CAPS Home� My Free company stock Stocks� Screener� Players� Blogs� Top Tens� Tags� Contests� Contact Us� Help� Retirement� 13 Retirement Steps� IRAs� 401(k)s, Etc.� Asset Allocation� Boards� Best Of� Favorites & Replies� Customize� Start a New Board� Stock Picks� Stock Advisor� Hidden Gems� Rule Breakers� Million Dollar Portfolio� Motley Fool PRO Don't let it get away!Keep track of the stocks that matter to you.Help yourself with the Fool's FREE and easy new watchlist service today.�Click Here NowSome of the biggest financial scams in history had the simplest pitch: They offered something for nothing.

Smart investors have learned to be skeptical of investments that make those offers.But many companies offer a legitimate, simple way to get what amounts to free money. And it couldn't be easier to claim your share. All you have to do is buy stocks and reinvest the dividends.Earning profits, drip by DRIPMillions of investors have discovered the long-term power of dividends.

By buying a stock and reinvesting the dividends into additional shares of the company, you'll see your total position in the stock soar over the years. For truly long-term investors, the gains from reinvesting dividends often dwarf what they realize from their original shares.Nowadays, it's easy to reinvest your dividends.

Several discount brokers provide the service at no additional charge, even when it involves buying fractional shares of stock.But to find the free-money opportunity with dividend-paying stocks, you have to go back to an older method called the dividend reinvestment plan.

It may seem old-fashioned, but these plans, also known as DRIPs, can help make your dividends work harder for you.Here's how it works: After you enroll in a DRIP, you can arrange to have all your dividends reinvested in shares every quarter. DRIPs typically have rules that determine the per-share price you'll pay on those reinvested dividends.

That makes DRIPs extremely convenient because the reinvestment happens automatically.But even better, some DRIPs give you a discount on the shares you purchase through reinvested dividends.

Before you get too excited, the discount usually is fairly small - between 1% and 5% of the dividend amount. But the discount still represents money that you're saving versus going out and buying the shares yourself - and even brokers that offer dividend reinvestment services of their own won't give you those discounts.Who's giving away the free money?Obviously, not every company offers these discounts.

But many companies do. Here's a sample:StockCurrent Discount Available on Reinvested DividendsAqua America ( NYSE: WTR )5%Piedmont Natural Gas ( NYSE: PNY )5%Pengrowth Energy ( NYSE: PGH )5%Health Care REIT ( NYSE: HCN )2%Penn West Exploration ( NYSE: PWE )5%Omega Healthcare ( NYSE: OHI )1%Toronto-Dominion ( NYSE: TD )1%Source: Company investor relations.Why would companies like these let you buy shares at a discount?

One reason is that encouraging dividend reinvestment saves companies the expense of cutting checks for small investors. If a DRIP discount encourages you to reinvest those small amounts every quarter, then the company benefits from lower costs.Another reason is that the move can generate demand for shares without costing very much.

Because large institutional investors aren't going to accept the rules and conditions of a DRIP - rules that encourage long-term investment over short-term liquidity - it's not as though the company has to worry about hedge funds or other massive investors using DRIPs to siphon millions of dollars from their coffers.What's the catch?DRIPs can be very useful tools, but they do have limitations.

For one thing, many DRIPs require you to already be a shareholder of the company to participate. That means that you have to find a way to buy your initial shares of stock before taking advantage of the DRIP. That used to be prohibitively difficult, but again, discount brokers and commissions of $10 or less make buying those first shares a lot less painful for your pocketbook.Also, some companies charge fees to participate in their DRIPs.

So don't assume that any DRIP is automatically a good deal - even if it offers a share discount on reinvested dividends - until you check the plan's fees. In some cases, those fees could partially or even completely offset � Stocks� Stocks to Buy� Stocks to Sell� Dividend Stocks� Penny Stocks� Hot Stocks� Stock Market Today� Funds� Mutual Funds� ETF Investing� 401k & Investing Tips� Retirement� Financial Advisor Center� Trading� Trading Advice� Trade of the Day� Trading Report� How to Trade Options� Market Insight� IPO Playbook� Gadgets, Smartphones & Tech� Weird Street� InvestorPolitics� Financial Advisors� Premium Services T-Mobile US�(NASDAQ: TMUS) is looking to hold on to its free company stock company � which considers itself an �uncarrier� in a sea of carriers � will be giving out a number of freebies to keep customers�satisfied, and attract more consumers. First off, T-Mobile is handing out free shares of TMUS stock to postpaid customers.

Additionally, both prepaid and postpaid customers will receive free pizza, movie rentals and more every Tuesday.TMUS stock is down 1.3% Monday. More From InvestorPlace� 30 Stocks the Smart Money Just Bought or Dumped� 10 Great Stocks That Will Make a Splash This Summer� 9 Cheap Stocks to Buy Now Under $10 More on InvestorPlace 8 International Names Priced to Beat American Stocks 3 Dependable Dividend Stocks to Buy for Shaky Times 3 Tech Stocks That Won�t Stay Down 8 Small-Cap Stocks With A-Game Potential Apple Is About to Disappoint Everyone 5 Ways to Invest in Gold: The Pros & Cons About Us�Press Center�Resources�Advisory Services�Free Newsletter�Special Reports�Contact Us�Advertise With Us�Employment�Privacy�Terms and Conditions�Disclosures and Disclaimers�Media SitesRSS�Sitemap Financial Market Data powered by FinancialContent Services, Inc.

All rights reserved. Nasdaq quotes delayed at least 15 minutes, all others at least 20 minutes.Copyright � 2016 InvestorPlace Media, LLC. All rights reserved. 9201 Corporate Blvd, Rockville, Free company stock 20850.� Richard Band� John Jagerson� Hilary Kramer� Jon Markman� Louis Navellier� Bryan Perry� Ken Trester� Dan Wiener� Richard Young� Blue Chip Growth� Cash Machine� GameChangers� Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors� Intelligence Report� Maximum Options� Profitable Investing� SlingShot Trader� Trader�s Advantage� Active Trading� Income Investing� Growth Investing� Mutual Funds & ETFs� Value Hunters� Options Trading � The Post's View� Toles Cartoons� Telnaes Animations� Local Opinions� Global Opinions� Letters to the Editor� Act Four� All Opinions Are Local� Book Party� Compost� Erik Wemple� Five Myths� In Theory� The Plum Line� PostEverything� PostPartisan� Rampage� Right Turn� The Watch� Volokh Conspiracy� The Missing Debate� Sports � Arts and Entertainment� Advice� Carolyn Hax� Food� Travel� Wellness� Magazine� Home and Garden� Inspired Life� Fashion� KidsPost� On Parenting� Reliable Source� The Intersect� Solo-ish� Entertainment � Express� El Tiempo Latino� Parade� WP BrandStudio�� 1996-2016 The Washington Post� Terms of Service� Privacy Policy� Submissions and Discussion Policy� RSS Terms of Service� Ad Choices (Diane Bondareff/AP Images for T-Mobile)T-Mobile wants its customers to have a stake in the company�s future � literally.

So it�s offering existing subscribers a free share of its stock and additional shares to any customer, new or old, who draws fresh converts from competing wireless networks.The decision � which is unusual even for a company accustomed to defying industry norms � could effectively turn many of T-Mobile�s tens of millions of�subscribers into first-time investors.

It may also complicate their tax bills and increase what they must pay for tax preparation, according to analysts and tax attorneys, potentially creating a headache for consumers who decide to take advantage of the benefit.Compared with the rest of the industry, T-Mobile�s customer base trends much younger, more diverse or�less free company stock, according to Roger Entner, a telecom analyst with Recon Analytics.

T-Mobile�s strength among these demographics is closely connected to its reputation as a budget carrier.But it�s likely that many T-Mobile customers have never owned a brokerage account or traded stocks. Recent research shows�the vast majority of minorities do not own stocks, bonds or mutual funds.

Overall, 14 percent of U.S. households have a brokerage account or an IRA, according to a study last year by the Labor Department. Of those, less than 10 percent were in the bottom half of the country�s income brackets.T-Mobile�s offer of company stock could introduce millions of people to the stock market and the basics of investing.�It's great that more people are getting exposure to investment,� Entner said.

�For some of them, it will be a transformation. For others, they'll take their share and sell it and hopefully buy a gift for somebody they love.�But T-Mobile customers receiving company shares could face a more complicated process at tax time, especially if they�ve never owned stock outside of their retirement accounts.

The first share customers receive will be treated essentially as a one-time�credit on their wireless bills�and would not be subject to income tax, the company said in a statement.Additional shares customers receive for recommending friends would have to�be documented on a 1099 form by T-Mobile, and customers would need to report the shares as taxable income on their tax returns.

The value of the additional shares would be listed as �other income� on their 1040 tax form, where the money would be taxed the same as the rest of their ordinary income, said Donald Zidik, an accountant with Marcum LLP in Needham, Mass.At about $43 a share, the tax bill may be not be much for customers receiving a handful of shares, but it could grow for customers raking in tons of referrals. (Participating in T-Mobile�s stock program is optional, and only the primary account holder on a plan can claim the stock, which means that children in a family plan, for instance, are not eligible to receive the shares.

Longtime subscribers who�ve been with the carrier for five years or more will be awarded two shares per referral.)The more complicated tax event may happen when customers decide to sell their shares, which may boost their tax bill or require them to file additional tax forms, Zidik said. If the stock�s value has risen since they received the shares, customers will need to report those gains and pay taxes on the difference.

If the stock has dropped in value, any losses up to $3,000 could be used to reduce their taxable income.Those capital gains and losses would need to be reported on the Schedule D, which could require some taxpayers to pay an additional fee to their tax preparer or to pay for a more expensive version of tax preparation software.

And what T-Mobile subscribers owe in taxes on the sale of their stock will depend on how long they�ve held on to their shares; they will pay a lower rate if they�ve kept them for more than a year, although low-income customers�may find that the IRS exempts them from paying long-term capital gains taxes at all.If all this sounds confusing to you, you�re probably not alone. It�s a sign of how complex the battle between wireless carriers has gotten as they fight to retain their customers and poach new ones from other rivals.

With smartphone sales plateauing worldwide and celluSo, this is unusual�A new startup,, is promising to�give you free�stock options just for becoming an early email subscriber.But�here�s where it gets really unusual: we have no idea what Jet will do.The site doesn�t�launch until early 2015, and for now the company is just promising to revolutionize�the way we shop online and promising to sell severely discounted goods.

Perhaps they�re seeking to become an�alternative to Amazon?And they�re serious about it. The company was founded by Marc Lore, who�famously sold his last�company, Quidsi (,, etc.) to Amazon for more than $500 million.

And Jet has already raised more than $80 million in Series A funding�(investments from hedge funds, etc.). And they�re�in the process of raising another $550 million. So this is a really company; we just have no idea what they will do. So, you want some free stock? Here�s how it works�1. First, go to this signup page. You just need to give them an email address. Pretty easy.2. Start referring your friends & family member.

The top 10 referrers�will be receive 10,000 stock options and the top referrer will receive�100,000 stock options. You have until Feb 6, 2015 to refer as many people as you can. Again, you just need people to give their email address to become a Jet insider. You don�t have to buy anything.So far, the company has 25,169 signups�(based on my ranking today), which is�actually a pretty small number for such a hyped startup. I doubt it�d be that hard to get in the top 10, but I�m sure the competition will get harder once we get closer to the end. 3.

If you don�t end up in the top 10, you won�t receive any stock options. However, the top 100,000 will receive early access to the site, the top 10,000 get a free 1-year membership, the top 1000 will get a free 5-year membership, and the top 100 will receive a lifetime membership for free. What can you do with your stock options?Jet is not a publicly held company, so there�s no guarantee that the stock options will ever be worth anything.

Also, stock options are a little different then receiving shares in a company. An option is a benefit that you can exercise later to�buy stock in the company at a discounted or at a stated fixed price.You�re under no obligation to ever exercise the option. In fact, it�s usually best to wait for the share price to increase substantially and then exercise your options. For example, if Jet gives you the option to buy 100,000 shares at $10, you might want to wait until the shares go up to $30 or more and then you can pocket the difference (your profit would be $200,000 under this scenario).We don�t exactly know what the option price will be, but the number�of options they�re giving away is substantial.

They�ve publicly said it�s in par with a 4-year equity compensation packages received by some of their�earliest and top-level employees.Your turn: What do you think about Jet�s marketing promotion? Are you interested in winning their stock options? 7 Simple Steps to Start Getting Your Finances Under Control This Week� The Penny Hoarder� How to Make Money� CommentsIt�s easy to get overwhelmed by your finances.

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